Website Analytics Tools
Website Analytics Tools
Website analytics tools help you monitor how well your website is performing, which is important when you have invested a good sum of money with your website designer to get your website up and running.
Website analytics tools such as Google Analytics can be set up to tell you the basic information about your website visitors. But is Google Analytics as a basic website design tool enough? So…
- How do you take your website to the next level and gain a direct insight into exactly which companies have visited your site?
- What do you currently do about all the companies who have visited your website, but not taken it further to contact you?
- How do you know which competitors have visited your website in the last days, weeks, months and what they searched for to find you?
- How can you stop your prospects in their tracks and get in touch with them before they have surfed onto your competitors for a quote?
Analytics enables your sales team to see whether any lapsed or current prospects within the sales pipeline, have since been on your website. You can also see if current clients are searching for your services broadly online – indicating that they are looking to move their contract elsewhere.
By using analytics software, you will now be able to see on a real-time basis, exactly which companies have been looking at your website, their website address and further details of how to contact them. More importantly it will even tell you what keyword search term they used to find you, which search engine they used, which pages they looked at on your website and for how long. You can then contact them armed with loads of information about exactly what they are interested in and can offer support with the exact solution to the problem they are trying to solve. Genius!
For more information about website analytics tools or to receive your free website design health check with Impulse, please call 01904 430 666 or get it touch via the contact us page.