What is Content Management?

What is Content Management?

All Impulse websites and blogs are built with a full content management system, enabling you to make changes to your own website with ease at any time of day or night.

There quite a few aspects of adding your content which will fast track your website up the search engine rankings. Along with the all important website design and development structure of course.

If you can use Word, you will find most content management systems even easier to use!!

As an Impulse customer, you will receive a training session on how to write the perfect page to ensure your website has the best chances of being on the winning path to success. At every stage we will help you, guide you and support you in following our easy step by step process of adding more and more content.

Easy inclusion of documents, videos and images to engage your audience…

Using our easy to use document and image library system you can easily insert lively videos and images into the content of your website design to help engage your clients engage with your business even more.

At Impulse we are determined to find a way to help you avoid these issues with our website strategy session. This will highlight exactly the size and depth of website or blog you require and will help you to clarify your business direction, both now and for your future.

For more information about investing in a content managed CMS website for your business, or to book an appointment with one of our website experts, please call 01904 430 666 or get it touch via the contact us page.