Why you should meet your designer
Why you should meet your designer

Once a business has decided to employ the services of a graphic designer, it is always a good idea to meet with the designer first. With many business owners being short on time, it might seem like a good idea to find a designer online and work with them via email or Skype, but it is highly unlikely that the client will get the results that they want from the design project.
Meeting with the designer that will be responsible for creating the company logo, website design, or any other design related aspects of a business is essential for many reasons.
It is always good to put a face to the name and by getting to meet the graphic designer, the client can get to know their personality and this will help them to decide whether or not that they will work well together. Working closely with a graphic designer will be a bit like having a new member of the team for a while, so the client needs to be assured that they feel comfortable working together with the designer.
Meeting with the potential graphic designer also ensures that the client can give them a clear idea of what they want. Email briefs or chats on Skype might be a good start, but without a physical meeting, this can sometimes lead to a lack of clarity, which is likely to cause problems somewhere down the line.
By talking with the client, the graphic designer will be able to get a better idea of the client’s personality and what the business represents, and they will be able to work with them so that the design accurately reflects what the business stands for.
When working with someone new, it can be a bit of an uncertain time as there is no way of knowing what the end results of a project will be. However, a meeting with the person in charge of the design work will help to increase the client’s confidence as they get to know the person that they will be working with.
By visiting the office of the design agency, the client will be able to see what their work environment is like and how professional the team is, and they’ll be able to gain a better understanding of how the designer works. This is essential for getting the results that the client wants.
For more information, call Impulse on 01904 430 666 or get in touch with us via the contact form below.