Logo Design, it’s not as easy as you think!
Logo Design, it’s not as easy as you think!

Have you ever looked at a company logo and thought that you could have come up with the idea? While logos such as those used by Nike and McDonalds may seem overly simplistic, there was in fact a ton of thought put into their design, and it could all have gone very wrong if there wasn’t. The mistake that many people make when they look at the most successful logos in the world is believing that they can quickly and easily create one for their own business. This is almost always a horrible idea.
Adding to the problem is the fact that there are countless free logo making software options online, as well as several low-priced titles to be found in your local computer shop. What you basically get with those types of things is the same as a template used to build a website. What you end up with may look pretty good, but you run the risk of countless other businesses using the exact same design. How is the customer supposed to know the difference between you and your competitors if your logo looks the same? They won’t, and you will have failed in the golden rule of setting yourself apart from the crowd.
As previously mentioned, a great deal of thought goes into every aspect of the design of a new logo. Not only does it have to tell a little something about the business it promotes, it also has to be visually appealing in a number of different ways. Professional logo designers make this happen by choosing the right color combinations, fonts, and typeface. These are all things that the average person really doesn’t know enough about to put together a coherent logo design that will check all the right boxes.
If you are still contemplating putting together your own logo, let’s see if you can answer this question: what should the finished file be saved as? If you were not aware that there were different types of images, you are in trouble again. Professional designers will always save their work as a vector image. What that means is that the finished article can be scaled up or down in size without losing any quality. That is absolutely essential when you are using your logo across a number of different mediums. For example, if you create a small raster logo and try to blow it up to fit on a large sign, you will be left with a blurry mess.
The good news in all of this is that you don’t have to spend an absolute fortune to have a professional logo designed for your business. Since the logo is the first step in building your brand, which in turn helps grow your business, it’s not really something that you should risk doing on your own. If you are thinking about starting your own business or believe that your image needs a little bit of a refresh, look for a logo design company in York that can help you achieve those goals.
To create a powerful logo design for your business call 01904 430 666 or get in touch with us via the contact form below.