How Do I Register A Domain Name For My Business?
How Do I Register A Domain Name For My Business?
How To Register A Domain Name For My Business
If you are setting up a new business, an online presence is crucial to remain competitive. Domain names are therefore an important consideration and will form a key component of your branding endeavours.
What Is A Domain Name?
In basic terms, a domain name is a string of characters that users can type into the URL/Web address bar of an Internet browser. Domains typically end with an extension, the most popular top-level domain being ‘.com’, although many others exist. UK specific businesses often select a ‘’ or ‘.uk’ extension.
Steps To Registering A Domain Name
There are a number of steps you need to consider when registering a domain name. These are outlined below:
Choosing a Domain Name
In the first instance, you need to choose an available domain name. Think about how easy the domain will be to pronounce and spell, and it should be reflective of your business name. Domains that are too long appear cumbersome, so try to select one that is short and to the point.
It can sometimes help to use keywords in your domain, although too many will be counterproductive. Avoid using numbers unless these are critical to your brand.
Check the Availability Using Registrar
A registrar is a company where you can buy domain names. In many cases, you can also purchase website hosting or even website design at such companies. Registrars have a licence that allows for the selling of domains to individuals and businesses.
They enable you to check domain availability, ownership, the date of registration, the date of expiration, and more. Many will also suggest domain names based on ideas that you present. This is ideal if your primary domain name is already registered.
Choose Your Extension
One of the most important decisions to make is your domain name extension. ‘.coms’ are the most popular commercial option and have a global appeal. But they are not always the best choice. It depends on what your type of business is and your overall objectives.
If you are operating solely in the UK or a brand that wishes to portray a UK-specific image, a ‘’ domain name may be more beneficial. This is especially the case if you are a for-profit business.
Non-profit organisations, charities, clubs, and similar may prefer to choose a ‘.org’ or ‘’. There are many other extensions available, such as ‘.net’, which is another popular top-level alternative.
If your intended domain name or extension is unavailable, you will be able to search for similar domain names at your chosen registrar.
Register Your Domain Name
The final step involves purchasing your domain name. You can choose to buy a domain for a single year or multiple years. In most cases, the longer you register your domain for, the more cost-effective the price will be.
That said, if you are just starting out, registering for a single year or two years may make sense. Once your business starts to grow, you may wish to register the domain for a longer period.
If you’d like further help with purchasing a domain, please feel free to contact us, we’d be happy to help.