Is Google the future

Is Google the future

Is Google the future

Since the beginning of the computer revolution way back in the late 70’s, no one company has managed to maintain their moment in the sun. From HP to Apple to Windows and even returning back to Apple, there comes a time for the new boys in town to take over.

Since the death of the great Steve Jobs, Apple’s vision and ethos seems to be taking a turn for the worse. Instead of refining the wheel and maintaining the highest level of quality, Apple seems to be trying to re-invent the wheel and as a result are opening the door for someone to take over. Could the next player be Google? 

Now you may be thinking, how does this relate to the products we provide? You’ll be surprised how much the tech touch points every days audiences are using alter our production processes. They can considerably change things. From the great looking pieces of hardware, right down to the smaller unseen levels of software. Each piece of equipment alters the inner workings of how we evolve your brand.

When your thinking about the next step forward regarding your brand, why not pop in to chat to us about how the steps you take will define the way your audience perceives you.