Decorators With A Difference
Decorators With A Difference

Bailey & Medd are more than a team of decorators. They are professionals, dedicated to achieving the best possible results from your painting or wallpapering project.
It’s great to see Bailey & Medd growing. So much so that they now have multiple vans and staff out and about and are booked up for months on end. On our first meeting, they really took on board what we talked about. How your brand and website are your shop window and doing it right from the off will really set you apart.
It was really refreshing working on this. More often than not price is the only factor with a lot of startups but skimping on your look and feel in the first place can lead to you not getting off on the right foot. Handing someone a proper cost and invoice and backing it up with a great site and uniforming your brand across all aspects from business cards to vans really does help you stand out from the competition.
We have a range of project scatter throughout our news and portfolio that shows how we can help your start-up. Give us a call on 01904 430 666 to discuss your needs, or get in touch with us via the contact page.